Sunday, February 20

The End of an Era

"Most smart people tend to feel queasy when the conversation turns to things like "certain death" and "total failure" and the idea of a "doomed generation." But not me. I am comfortable with these themes. There is nothing new about them, except when they come all at once. Any conversation that can make smart people confront a mix of Death, Doom and Failure with a straight face is probably worth listening in on. They don't come around real often, and when they do it almost always means that at least two of the people doing the talking are in very serious trouble......"
-Hunter S. Thompson (page 299, "Generation of Swine")


That is my initial reaction to Thompson's suicide today. I'm sure I'll acquire a more philosophical reaction over time, but right now I feel disappointed, abandoned and very, very sad that this raging soul left without saying goodbye.
Today's Update ---- Apparently, HST was on the phone with his wife when he blew his brains out!