Monday, March 21

Remove the Feeding Tube...

..from the "Culture of Life" movement.

I have known people who have refused to eat, who have refused to take medications, who have simply willed themselves to die rather than live like Terri. What did she do to deserve this hell on earth? I have a living will, signed, notarized, and ready to stop any American President, Senator, or Congressman who wants to use my tragedy to promote their “culture of life” political campaign.

It is apparent, however, that today’s legally binding document could be tomorrow’s fond memory if the Bushites continue their pre-emptive strikes against States Rights and the judiciary. This is the big issue.

An even bigger issue, though, is the continuing horror of the Iraq War. Today is the second anniversary of the Invasion of Iraq. I have not heard a peep out of the Bushites about the “culture of death” they have promoted by killing and/or torturing thousands of Iraqi men, women, and children. The same people who are castigating Michael Schiavo for pursuing a peaceful end to Terri’s ordeal are the very ones who eagerly believed and spread the myth of WMD in Iraq so they could unleash the bunker bombs on the Iraqi population.

I care about Terri’s quality of life, her responsiveness to stimuli, and her continued existence only because her story is all over the media. She’s bigger than Michael Jackson right now and I think that is the real crime behind this whole mess. Her family stole her identity and sold it to the Bush-marketing machine.

May all beings know love and peace.