Tuesday, July 5

Bless the Teachers...

"By learning you will teach; by teaching you will understand."
-Latin Proverb

What happens when you die? Is it painful? Do you see loved ones who have died before you in heaven or on "the other side?" Is anyone ever ready to die? Are there signs or warnings that life is about to end. Does life truly end?

My father asked these profound and terrifying questions a little over two years ago. He was too ill to read and absorb the many answers found in books. Instead, he entered a hospice program. Instinctively, he knew that people who see life end day after day, must have the answers and he was right. Not only did he learn by asking the hospice chaplain the hard questions, but he told us about the answers. He shared this exploration of death with us in an often intellectual and sometimes emotional way that is forever impressed in my psyche as a gateway to profound secrets.

Knowlingly or unknowingly, he lived the proverb above, and not just at the end of life. He was a teacher and guide and explorer throughout his life. Bless him and all those who teach what this life is all about by living a loving, giving, caring life and sharing life with us.

May all beings know love and peace.