Saturday, September 3

Another Predictable Cat 5 Disaster...

..for the poor and people outside of Red State America. Chief Justice Rehnquist died of cancer today. Now our Clueless leader, George Dubya, will be able to appoint another neo con, religious right winger. I vaguely recall that the world was supposed to end when President Reagan appointed Rehnquist as Chief Justice in 1986. The world of "big government" and entitlement programs definitely bit the dust, and it is debatable whether Rehnquist assured GWB's first presidential election by allowing the Supreme Court to intervene. For a Justice who's main goal was to return power to the States, his support of GWB's request to have the Supreme Court intervene in the Florida recount was startling and hypocritical. As bad as he was, he looks good compared to what Bush has up his sleeve.

Right now, with millions of displaced Southerners raging against the Bush administration's policy of "slow" response to domestic crisis issues, more layoffs and another banner year for poverty statistics, any sane person would conclude that the Repugnantans will never get elected or re elected again, but they now have the majority in the House, the Senate, the judiciary and the Executive Branch. That's power. This week we witnessed the arrogance of that kind of concentrated power, It is slow, ponderous, out of balance, self-serving and not accountable to anyone anywhere in the world.

Unless the Red Staters wake up and smell the napalm, America's decline into the "third world" will be complete in my lifetime.

Pray hard for peace, healing and intelligence in these troubled times.