Tuesday, December 20
Hope. Progress. Answers.
The Discovery Shop I work in made almost $4,000 in sales of high quality, donated items last Saturday. Scores of shoppers bought used furniture, housewares, clothing, Christmas decorations and much more. Many of them had stories to tell about loved ones who fought cancer and they told of how these warriors won or lost their battles.
We have a Christmas tree in the shop. It is decorated with the names of the survivors or the victims of cancer. So many people are affected by this disease. People from every level of society, every race, and creed struggle with this killer. I am surprised at the lack of bitterness and blame. Most of those willing to tell their stories are in one stage or another of grief, yet they so appreciate being able to talk about their loss and to fill out a small remembrance card and just remember the good times.
Well, as my sainted Mother liked to say, "When your number's up, it's up."
If I can face the end of life with her dignity and grace, I will count myself a success in this life.
May all beings know love, peace and healing.