According to a Yahoo news brief (Link), the United Nations will release it's latest global warming report and it confirms that global warming is "very likely" man made.
Even if the nay-sayers are correct and human activities are not causing global warming, there is still global warming. The giant tsunami's, hurricanes, cyclones, floods, famines and bizarre weather patterns are becoming increasingly deadly and the planet is measurably warmer. Humans have the ability to reason and then to change what they do to survive. This is called intelligence. It only makes sense that the people of the world avert a catastrophe by using resources differently. We can eliminate or mitigate further damage that we cause and make a difference. Even if the nay-sayers claim we can't make a difference, it is still intelligent and reasonable to do whatever is within our power to choose a path toward survival of the species.
Why can't everyone agree that conservation and keeping the earth healthy are priorities? I don't understand why naysayers like Rush Limbaugh have a problem with this concept. In the link provided, his thinking is centered on a great left-wing conspiracy to waste the world's time on issues other than what's important to Limbaugh, I guess. Here's an example of his strange opinions about global warming:
"..,Just want to give you one more thought here on this whole global warming mess. I want to ask you, “What is the common denominator between embryonic stem cells, synthetic fuels, global warming, and Hillary Rodham Clinton?” What do these four things have in common, embryonic stem cells, synthetic fuels, global warming, and Hillary Rodham Clinton? What is one thing in common? What's the common denominator? You have four fantasies here from the left: embryonic stem cells, synthetic fuels, global warming, and Hillary. You have four magic answers to all of our problems, four untested and unproved, at best, programs to make life peachy keen, and they are all a lifetime away from delivering their promise. You gotta throw Hillary Clinton in that list. Embryonic stem cells, synthetic fuels, global warming, Hillary Rodham Clinton, all liberal Democrat fantasies, pure and simple." - see link above.
He is the master of logical fallacies in almost any debate and has outdone himself this time. I believe he's created a new category: Circular Argument Meltdown. Why people use him as any kind of authority is beyond me. I guess he's the only one available to go on these television shows who has the gaul to argue about something as obviously real as global warming.
...BREAKING NEWS... Al Gore nominated for Nobel Peace Prize today! Who needs Limbaugh's pro-negative rhetoric when there are pro-active people like Gore who actually stand up for what they believe and have a positive impact on our world.
Hope is in the air!!