Saturday, September 22

Attitude of Gratitude

In the past week or so, I have noticed a downward slide in my spirits - for no reason. Ennui? Langueur. Tédio. Boredom. I am not alone. It is the time of "seasonal affective disorder."

I'm not alarmed or concerned, but I am ready to level off and stop the downward spiral. A friend of mine who moved to Rome, New York, and developed severe depression, bought a sun lamp and kept it on 24/7 until she started to feel better. My sister-in-law recommends a frothy calcium/magnesium mineral drink called Ionic Fizz for sleep disorders and mild depression. I've heard that the hormone, melatonin, might also help relieve the symptoms of SAD. Several friends swear by the simple act of counting their blessings - being grateful!

All of these remedies are worth trying.. and that is the critical step in getting rid of depression. Try something.

For people who have never experienced severe depression, it might seem silly to emphasize "trying" or "doing." They may not realize what a gigantic effort it takes to move forward - to move, really, once depression sets in. Sufferers know when it is time to put the brakes on and avoid this unhappy paralysis. Panic and fear only worsen the condition and gratitude seems to lighten the mood and keep the panic under control. I have learned that saying "thank you" gives me the time I need to take vitamins, adjust the lighting, fire up my aromatherapy potions, exercise, get together with friends and family, volunteer, join a group, journal, etc. These actions and brighter days eventually eliminate the spiral. Time for my ionic fizz and a five minutes on the treadmill!

I just found the website Zen Habits and these two links, plus this YouTube video. Good stuff.

Why Living a Life of Gratitude Can Make You Happy
4 Simple Steps to Start the Exercise Habit

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