Wednesday, October 24

The Winds

Southern California is on fire... again.

Many people I know are in shock. Some have had to evacuate their homes, one friend lost her home and business, others are coughing up their lungs from breathing soot for the past few days. Many of us, myself included, are grateful for so many good things each day and feel very lucky. I wish I were wise enough to know how to help those that are suffering right now. I stand by, ready to help. I also acknowledge that humans often forget that nature is not the enemy. Nature does not love us or hate us. Nature "is what it is" and is the purest, most non-judgmental teacher in our lives. What we learn from nature is up to us and while many cling to the notion that "global warming" or "endangering the environment" is a left wing fantasy, the rest of us are experiencing the change and must decide to be part of the problem or part of the solution.

Today, I am reminded that humans must adapt or die. When the winds blow, make sure your brush is cleared, check your emergency supplies, make sure you've updated your insurance and financial documents, have gas in your car and an escape route embedded in your brain. There are those that ridicule us for living in "Malibu" or in places that are prone to earthquakes, fires, floods, drought, hurricanes, tornadoes, arsonists, terrorists. The list can be longer... it can include the dangers of smug and useless bastards that do not realize they sit on a powder keg just like the rest of us. At some point in this painful cycle, everyone will conclude that it is wise to adapt to mother nature rather than kill her. I hope more people, myself included, have the will and intelligence to adapt sooner rather than later.

May all beings displaced or harmed know healing love and peace.