Wednesday, April 22

Inspired by Nature

The path to Han-shan's place is laughable,
A path, but no sign of cart of horse,
Converging gorges - hard to trace their twists
Jumbled cliffs - unbelievably rugged.
A thousand grasses bend with dew, a hill of pines hums in the wind.
And now I've lost the shortcut home
Body asking shadow, how do you keep up?

A group of my friends and I finished reading the book, "Developing Intuition" by Shakti Gawain. We all realized the importance of intuition in our lives and one of the exercises we did together was the "grounding" exercise. Each of us talked about that which inspires us and that which grounds us. I chose nature in each case.

Some of my earliest memories involve walks in meadows, watching birds, being awestruck by a glorious sunrise, and feeling the sand shift as the ocean waves retreat. Green is one of the first colors I remember choosing in the crayon box. Watching clouds and finding stories within them is something I do today when I need a creative boost, or just want to "waste time."

My first love is a love of nature.