The issue is not whether the Bush administration authorized the illegal detention and torture of Iraqi civilians and others. Bush/Rumsfeld/Cheney and their lackeys readily admit to these acts. They authorized private corporations (CACI and Titan) to conduct the "interviews" and avoid oversight by the US military. Simply google Abu Ghraib and read the facts. (Here, I'll do it for you.)
Put those facts together and you will come to the conclusion that BushCorp broke US and international laws - many times. They lied to Congress and the American people about the Iraq threat to national security, before the invasion, and continue to lie to the country about Iraq, the war on terror, ... you name it, now. If they haven't outright lied about torture, corruption, incompetence, they've obscured the issues with some other "wedge" issues of no importance. They know the attention span of the American voter is short. They know we know they broke laws. We let them do it. We don't need horrifying pictures to prove that they are liars and law breakers. We already have enough evidence to support these claims. So?
We don't need no stinkin pictures. I say let the ACLU have them with the agreement that they will not be plastered all over the internet... erm, too late for that one. Wired and TED have already put together a gruesome torture gallery/slide show to make the point that torture happened. Despite the clean up at Abu G, prosecutions of ordinary soldiers, demotions, firings, lawsuits against CACI, and other legal proceedings, old Scratch aka Cheney is still frothing at the mouth about the "rightness" of torture on every lecture/media interview circuit that will let him through the door. Why, Dick? Go home. Clear some brush. Stifle yourself, already. (Hmmmm...Is it possible that his Halliburton pension took a hit and he's forced to open his creaky jaws and sing for his supper? Yeah... NOT.)
It's obvious Mr. Cheney has no respect for Obama and his power to investigate and prosecute. He and Limbaugh are pals propagating neocon myths and delusions while doing their best to make things worse. They have the judgment and conscience of spoiled 4-year olds without the salvation of being cute. I want them to go away so that real people with hearts and souls can hunker down and endure the shit storm they've caused. Will Obama/Pelosi step up to this miserable plate and investigate, charge and prosecute BushCorp? Or, ......
John Shaft: "Why don't you stop playing with yourself, Willy? You ain't gonna do SHIT! "
- memorable quote from the 1971 movie, "Shaft"