There are so many art treasure troves in the city of angeles. One of my favorites is the Craft and Folk Art Museum in a small store front right across from the La Brea Tar Pits on Wilshire Boulevard.
The "Ancient Gods and Modern Politics: Mithila Paintings" exhibit is a fascinating study of ancient Indian art infused with the conflicts and dangers of the modern world. Beautiful and thought provoking artworks!
The "Celestial Ash: Assemblages from Los Angeles" exhibit was like a stroll through another world, and a strange one at that. Modern icons and symbols are captured in weathered wooden shadow boxes, unworkable gadjets are featured with elegant presentations of nature, both human and botanical all of these seemingly homey and accessible jewels are displayed with intelligence and care. At first, I thought that I could probably do something like this - throw together a bunch of old stuff and new stuff and .... then I realized each assemblage tells a story and that the art is in the concept and careful selection of the world's discards to best express the idea. Each artist's viewpoint and style was clear and powerful in their art. I could see the thought and craft in what appears to be a casual presentation. The most intriguing exhibit is the Michael C. McMillen, "Asylum of Lost Thoughts" installation. My dreams are filled with these timeless and provocative images.