Wednesday, November 17

And The Patriotic Ass Award Goes To...

Stephen Moore for this idiotic rant, Export a Liberal.

Why are there so many conservatives that sound and act like they've just been unshackled and let out of a cave?

Moore belches out the standard rhetoric of the fear-riddled, conservative combatant with this special comment, "If everything goes according to plan, blue-state Democrats are going to let us keep our guns and our money and our kids and our faith — and all the other things that government keeps trying to wrest from us."

I guess he's forgotten that since 1994's "Contract With America" the government he reviles has been run by Republicans, most of them conservative. So, if he's not happy with what the government protects and provides he's the one that might consider bailing.

I think there's a nice island in the Bermuda Triangle for sale. He could be his own government and use his assault weapons to kill everything that moves, poison all the water, pollute all the air, install the Ten Commandments in every public place, hang all evil doers even if they're children and mentally ill, have one indentured servant wife who has no say in the number of children she must bear, and invade a neighboring island, slaughtering all of the inhabitants, because it might lob some deadly coconuts his way some day.

If the island is too expensive for Moore (great name, btw), forget the fundraiser. He might like playing the game Nation States instead.