Wednesday, July 11

Feelings...Nothing More Than Feelings....

Our local news/radio station, KFWB, broadcast a report this morning that the head of the U.S. Homeland Security Department, Michael Chertoff, had a "gut feeling" that terrorists will attack America this summer. His statements were made in Chicago with the intention of explaining or justifying the draconian measures he plans to put into place this summer.

So... based on his knowledge of past terrorist activities, his "gut feeling" and some other "plan" that the public has or has not approved, the DoHS is gearing up to arrest people, close borders, and restrict the rights of American citizens. The White House has downplayed Chertoff's comments and at the same time is promoting the second "phase" of it's Iraq "surge."

Gut feelings about violence and mayhem are worthless. Broadcasting these feelings under the guise of public service is disgusting and stupid.

Just image if Jesse Bullhar of CalTrans, Office of Traffic Safety, blurted out his "gut feelings" that travel this summer will be more dangerous on California's highways, resulting in increased traffic accident fatalities. Oh, and because of his "gut feelings" anyone suspected of unsafe driving habits would be arrested. Oh!!! ... and travel to and from certain "unsafe" areas would be restricted, and, ah, don't be alarmed if your neighbors' civil liberties are violated. Would we thank Mr. Bullhar for his feelings and allow him to violate our basic civil rights in the interests of "safety?" Jesse would be out on his nervous, quaking ass for blatant fear mongering and creating chaos in an already chaotic environment. He would not be thanked by anyone for creating fear while promoting partisan politics.

Why is Chertoff still Secretary of Homeland Security? Didn't hurricane Katrina and it's continuing disastrous aftermath illustrate the dark, paralyzed place this man inhabits?

May all fearmongers know love and peace.