There is something off, not right, abnormal within me that persists in denying the entire truth of the statement above. I feel good about myself because I no longer smoke, or use alcohol or drugs of any kind. I feel bad about myself because I still choose to overeat and under exercise. I know that I'm not ignorant about the health benefits of eating good food and working out. In fact, I probably know more about these things than most people. Still, I resist and hang on to the erroneous idea that I am in control of these vital issues when I'm not. My last physical exam showed me that I am out of control and just on the border of needing medication in the areas of cholesterol and glucose. The writing is on the charts. I must choose a healthier diet and exercise.
Simple things for most people, but incomprehensible problems for me. Why won't I choose to do the work I need to do to be healthy? Why have I given up on so many diets and gyms? Have I finally found a program that addresses these questions and will I stick with it?
Just for today, I choose to do the work to be healthy. Just for today, I will use the program tools and escape from obsession and uncontrollable compulsions. I'm doing it now. Why? Because life is a miracle, a gift to cherish, and my family and friends need me to be active and happy in their lives. Life is good.
May all beings know love and peace.